Tuesday, December 13, 2016

My Goals for 2017

Today is Tuesday. And I have my goals for a new year. Soon 2016 will be over, and on the way to 2017! Here are my goals for 2017 that I want to achieve with my reasons. My goals are:


#1 Keeping in prayer


Why is prayer important to me?


The reason is I’m having an opportunity to share all my thoughts, my gratitude’s, and my confessions of my life to God.


My steps to achieve this goal are applying 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, set the time before I go to sleep.


#2 Reading the Bible


Why is the Bible important to me?


God’s Word is pure and it is true. Nothing add to his Word as God warns us not to misrepresent His scripture. Therefore, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. Also to be thankful for Jesus Christ had died for us and delivered our sins to be forgiven. Amen.


My steps to achieve this goal are motivating to read the Bible every day, learning how to apply all scriptures, understanding the messages of God and sharing the benefits of what I learned from the Bible with people.


#3 Keeping a journal


Why is writing a journal important to me?


Writing a journal help me to remember the importance of day and what happen. Also, it helps me to learn the lessons of events.


My steps to achieve this goal are to write what’s on my mind.


#4 Good sleep


Why is sleeping well important to me?


Because of my body need to have enough energy, and respect people’s time such as school presentation, job, appointment.


My steps to achieve this goal are to sleep 8 hours, set an alarm, avoid using laptop monitors one hour before going to sleep, and sleep with curtains half-open.


#5 Exercise


Why is exercise important to me?


Because of it helps me to keep my body at a healthy weight and lower the risk of some diseases. Also, it helps me to keep my mind clear.


My steps to achieve this goal are to follow my gym schedule. It’s that simple. But if I have a job or day program, I pause it until done and then to gym.


#6 Eat healthier


Why is eating the healthy food important to me?


Because of I need energy, have good weight management, prevent disease, and have a good mental health.


My steps to achieve this goal are to buy the healthy food and ignore the junk food.


#7 Getting out of Bedroom


Why is getting of my bedroom important to me?


Because of I want to explore more places, meet new people, and hangout with people I know.


My steps to achieve this goal are to prepare for the day (if you know what I mean).


#8 Getting a job


Why is having a job important to me?


Because of I need to pay off the bills and save more for the future emergency.


My steps to achieve this goal are to applying my skills, good resume and cover letter, preparing for job interview, keeping a job.


#9 Reading…

Why is reading important to me?


The reason is to gain my knowledge, reading help me build my vocabulary words, and understand the story.


My steps to achieve this goal are to pick a book and read, set my reading time, motivating to read.


#10 Video Diary


Why is keeping a video diary important to me?


Because of it helps me to remember the events, share my experiences with people, and educating them of what I learned from the lessons.


My steps to achieve this goal are to set the time for video diary, express from my heart.


#11 Keep a planner organized


Why is keeping a planner organized important to me?


Because of I want to remember what I plan for the day. And I don’t want to forget what I forget.


My steps to achieve this goal are to carry the planner book with me and mark the calendar.


That’s all my goals for the new year, 2017! Every month I will set some new goals if occur. How do you feel? Are you ready for the new year? Yours, Loiriam

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