Thursday, April 17, 2014

First Time Camping in Florida!

We left the Raven Family’s house for camping at 9:00 am. But before we go to the camping, we stopped by McDonald’s for breakfast and gas station for Nate’s brother and his wife. And then we went to the camping. We arrived there! This is my first time I have ever touched the camping in Florida. I was always going to the camping in New York.

In camping, we helped each other to build the three tents and set up everything includes me, I helped my parents to make the air beds. This is what it calls the family and friendship.

I was in car outside the tent for getting rest and I observed the cute squirrels. I also saw the two of them were kissing each other. Aw, how cute and adorable they are! They are loving and romantic. How I miss kissing someone I love! Well, I stay positive until right time is coming.

We are heating up by the fire before we are ahead to sleep soon. Have a good night, loves! Love, Loiriam

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