Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Early, Early, Early Pre-Moving Out (But I Still Am Not On Own)

This evening, I went to Walmart with my family for buying something we need before we are return to the nice house (maybe not) from apartment in early 2015. However, I still am not on own because of I have no job for nearly four years. If I had the power to speak out to the *hard-head people of what I am supposed to do in order to keep a job and be on own as a woman. But they view me as a child as thinking that nothing is wrong with ruling me and not let God take care of me. So I have to accept abiding in my parents' rule. :( Anyway, so what things do I bought? I bought a new bookshelf. I was needing it for my books and some other materials. 

Okay, I get to go. Good night! Yours, Loiriam

*The hard-head people believe that a job is not necessary, includes the no next generation. The next generation is required to be in the new system. So sad that it is unbiblical way.

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