Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Need to Go to Work Again

I went to the consumer advisor this morning. I had fifteen minutes appointment with her about that I need to go back to work again. She referred me to someone will help me find a job. Hopefully, it will work for my heavy bills.  
As a job hunter, stay strong despite the money 
problem. Walk out of the bed, and get energy from 
the sun. Smile bright your day.

After I got home from consumer advisor, I rested little bit and then worked on the renew blog. Also, I read Numbers chapter 26. I like Math. I like to count how many people in different groups. Not only people but I like to count other such like animals, money, and things. I summarized that scripture about the numbers of people in the family groups from the tribes.

Tonight I went to the meeting and I picked the point is no more Publications Index. Why no more use that? Because now use Research Guide book. That is good to have only one book. Publications Index has two books. Research Guide is easy and quick to find the answer I need. I will get use it. Okay, have a good night. Yours, Loiriam

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